Evan Bortnick Coach
Evan has over 20 years of experience as a Coach (Voice Coach, NLP-Coach, Relationship-Coach, Systems-Coach, Archetype-Coach, and Business-Coach). His work is a bridge between the world of the artistic and the world of business.
Evan has received special praise for his abilities to enhance and amplify his clients’ vocal presence and charisma. He is invited regularly to give master classes, trainings and seminars for singers, business leaders, lecturers and educators of all ilks. He effectively utilizes and combines the proven models of NLP, System Dynamics, functional vocal principles, cranio-sacral work and interactive theater to tailor-make exercises for the establishment of optimal vocal habits in his clients.
European Business School, Hochschulen: Weimar, Mainz, Osnabrück, FH: Mainz, Rhein-Main, Juwi International GmbH, Creative NLP Academy- Wiesbaden, GameForge AG, Lufthansa AirPlus, Alexander Training- München, BC-Development (Institute for Creative Leadership Management), SEF-Stadtentwässerung- Frankfurt a.M., NLP Akademie Wien, Arts and Communication- Toronto, Targa Communications- Frankfurt, H.S. Design Wiesbaden, L'opera Piccola