Evan Bortnick Teacher

For over 25 years Evan Bortnick has dedicated himself to the teaching of opera soloists, chorus members, singers of jazz, pop, rock, folk, musical as well as enthusiastic amateurs. He was a docent at the Johannes Guten University in Mainz, held masterclasses in jazz at the Musikhochschule in Osnabrück and teaches Vocal Pedagogy at the Franz Liszt University in Weimar. In Weimar he also teaches and coaches varied areas of performing for instrumentalists, for example: “Performance Training”, Mental Training” and “The History of Vocal Pedagogy”.

He was a certified Trainer and Supervisor at Eugene Rabine’s institute of “Functional Voice Pedagogy” and gives courses on presentation techniques and vocal health at institutes and Universities in Wiesbaden, Munich and Vienna. He is regularly invited to Klaus Grochowiak’s celebrated “Creative Neuro-Linguistic-Programing Academy” in Wiesbaden for Voice Training with individuals and with groups.

As a singer he was taught and highly influenced by such famous singer and theater personalities as: Nicolai Gedda, Peter Brook, Boris Goldovsky, Dr. William Johns, John Moriarty, Benton Hess, Rita Patane, Marlene Malas, and Elena Nicolaidi, among others. Over 30 years of experience on the international stage and a unique combination of trainings and certifications reinforce Evan Bortnick as a teacher, trainer and coach and give him a dynamic perspective on what it means to be an artist, a performer, an educator and a creative member of a team.


Nicolai Gedda, William Johns, Eugene Rabine, Elena Nicolaidi

Marlene Malas, Rita Patane, Ellen Faull, Helen Hodam, Bernard Taylor


Benton Hess, Boris Goldovski, Peter Brook, John Moriarty

Steve Blier, Richard Pearlman, Wesley Balk, George Darden


Amherst Summer Music Academy

Burlington Summer Music Academy

Manhattan School of Music Preparatory Division

Oberlin Conservatory of Music

Houston Opera Studio / University of Houston

Institute für funktionale Stimmpädagogik

1976 Oberlin Conservatory of Music

1977-2004 Internationaler Tenor-Solist

1996 Zertifizierung: Funktionale Stimmpädagogik

(Prof. Eugen Rabine)

2004 Zertifizierung: Supervisor in Funktionaler

Stimmpädagogik (Prof. Eugen Rabine)

2005 Zertifizierung: Neuro- Linguistisches-

Programieren - Practitioner, Master, Trainer,

Lehr-Trainer (Creative NLP Academy Klaus Grochowiak)

2006 Zertifizierung: Cranio-Sakral-Arbeit (Theo Kaiser)

2008 Zertifizierung: System Coach, Familienaufstellungen

(Creative NLP Academy Klaus Grochowiak)